Fraser River Run – August 2018
The Vessel, the Spaceship, XDC is it! The potential, the possibilities that exist for our development corporation are limitless. As a Nation, it is important that we capitalize on XDC; it is the path to success through economic development. The revenue generator that can fuel our projects, our needs, our wants, our moving forward, our freedom, XDC can and will get us there.
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place on June 13, 2018. Our past board of Directors: Bruce Mack, Brian Groves and Gilbert Sellars Sr. were not re-appointed, and a new board of directors were appointed for one-year terms: Thomas Phillips, David Pop, Yvonne Smith and Keray Camille. I want to personally thank the out-going board of directors for their time, energy and effort they consistently put into our economic development corporation, XDC. To the new board of directors recently appointed; good luck in taking our company to new levels, growth, strength and positioning.
At the end of June 2018, XDC’s Chief Executive Officer – Brad Klock turned in his resignation, it is an unfortunate turn of tides because he carried significant skills, experience and a proven track record that will be greatly missed here at XDC. In the six plus months I spent with him working directly under his supervision, I was learning amazing ways of doing business and now as I sit here alone, it is a loss that I am still enduring.
I cannot emphasize how important XDC is to our future, this office, this business should be swarming with human resources, experts, consultants, staff, community members all working for the company. Because that is not happening, I am concerned that our key to success – XDC is being passed up in many ways.
In terms of our most recent activities here at XDC, we are logging the burned wood on our Deep Creek Reserve IR#2 due to the wildfires of 2017. Our partner, Jatco Timber Ltd. is doing a great job and going the extra mile to ensure expectations are exceeded. Block 3 is complete with only road de-activation and silviculture obligations required. Block 1 is 100% harvested and timber is 100% hauled out. Block 2 is being accessed, with a culvert already installed at Mountain House Road at the old Jim Mackenzie’s Road and a temporary bridge has been installed on the creek to gain access to the final block 2. All blocks will have roads de-activated and silviculture obligations will be in place. As of July 24, 290 logging truck loads have been moved out of blocks 3 and 1 with more to come out of block 2. To ensure minimal disturbance, community archaeologists were on-site during road building, culvert and bridge installs, this is positive in protecting sensitive areas where our activities take place.
Tony Mack,
Special Project Coordinator